Our most anticipated webinar of the year, ServiceNow Predictions for 2022, is just around the corner.

On Thursday, December 16th, at 1:00 PM ET, 6 Acorio executives will dive into their predictions for the new year. To be a leader (and a leading organization) in 2022, you need to understand the unique challenges you’ll face in the new year so you can create a roadmap for success and ample opportunities.

Get inspired today so you can soar above your competitors tomorrow with advice from our experts:

  • Marci Parker, VP of ServiceNow Practice
  • Adam Mason, VP of Solutions & Innovation
  • Grant Pulver, VP of Client Executives
  • Josh Scott, VP of Industry & Operations
  • Carleen Carter, Director of Technology Initiatives
  • John Chambers, Senior Principal of Transformation Advisory

BrightTalk login (free to register) is required to view the previously recorded webinar below.

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